
on off

Bank St.Peter, Klagenfurt 2. Place

The building envelope opens up extensively on the square side; the building entrance cannot be missed by visitors due to its clear and concise arrangement. The open ground floor area allows an informal, mixed use of bank and café functions, which are defined by a counter and café area respectively. From the counter, visitors are directed to the counsellors’ offices.

Like all human activities, building in particular represents an intervention in our environment. This intervention is associated with the consumption of resources and can only be reversed with a massive input of funds and energy. The fact that nature and the environment are being progressively destroyed as a result of our actions makes it necessary, in order to preserve our livelihoods, to develop a strategy for dealing with both resources and energy in a sustainable manner.

In this building, a sensible sustainability strategy is to be pursued through the application of new building technology findings and the use of ecological building materials.

Invited single-stage realisation competition
2nd place

2014, Kärntner Sparkasse
